Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One month left

I need to start training properly. There is pretty much NO way I can manage to do a day hike let alone a 35 day trek. It'll be game over on the second day if I don't get fitter now.

So, I have a nasty training regime set out. Walking to and from work to break in my boots, weight training and some cardio as well. The question is, will I stick to it? I'm not a fan of forced exercise. But I don't want to get half-way up a small Spanish hill and have my little muscle-free legs give out.

My life is a bit of a shambles at the moment. I have sent most of my clothes to my parent's house, so I now have my hiking gear and one or two items to wear to work for the next month. I have no money left for fun stuff (I still have one or two items I want to buy for my trip), and I am UNFIT!

I'm going to start on the second of January with a nice, painful run.


  1. I'm really excited for you! I know you were planning out this trip to Spain for quite a while now (although I had no idea that it was for such a long perilous journey!) - but the very idea of it has me spinning in excitement for you. I really envy your doing this - I'm tied down for the moment, but I hope I can partake in an adventure like yours in the near future.

    I hope your jog's a good one tomorrow! I'm sure you'll work up enough muscle for your trek.

  2. I'm in pain. I hate exercise. I like sleeping and eating ;-)

    I'm glad that after all this time (what is it, over a year now?) I can still make you spin.

    I'm scared. I'm too young and silly to die in the Spanish hills.
